
Your free assessment will reveal exactly what your child’s numeracy and literacy levels are based on the new NSW curriculum and which areas of Maths and English they need to improve on in order to succeed.

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selective school test preparation

EWMG Head Start Program

Our EWMG Head start program is carefully designed for students studying from year one through to year six focusing on skills including English, writing, Mathematics and General ability

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EWMG Head Start Program

Selective School Trial Test

Our Selective School mock Tests give your child the chance to perfect exam technique, build confidence and overcome exam day nerves before the big day!

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oc test preparation

OC Trial Test

Our comprehensive OC Trial Test Course give children the opportunity to become confident in Maths, English and General ability. In addition, we ensure that they are developing the underlying skills needed to tackle the exam with confidence.

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School Readiness

Our School Readiness is designed to effectively prepare children to enter Kindergarten with confidence. Positive attitudes towards learning about language ensure that students are more likely to experience success in school and community settings

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NAPLAN Preparation

If your child is about to take the NAPLAN test, our preparation course just may give them the edge they need. We give your child the best opportunity to ACE the exam

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